Rotary International President Visits Malta
on Nov 29, 2015
Rotary International President, K R Ravindran was in Malta for six days this week during which he addressed the biennial Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting (CHOGM).
Representing civil society and Global Polio Eradication Initiative partners, President Ravindran joined UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon and heads of government from Commonwealth member states including Pakistan, Nigeria and Australia in committing to continue efforts to end Polio. The event was hosted by Malta’s Prime Minister and CHOGM Chair Dr Joseph Muscat.
Rotary International President Visits Malta
Rotary International President, K R Ravindran was in Malta for six days this week where he addressed the biennial Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting (CHOGM). CHOGM brings together Presidents and Prime Ministers from 53 countries that represent a total population of 2.2 billion, or a third of the world’s population.
Representing civil society and the Global Polio Eradication Initiative partners, President Ravindran joined UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon and heads of
government from Commonwealth member states in committing to continue efforts to end Polio, a paralyzing disease on the brink of global eradication. The event was hosted by Malta’s Prime Minister and CHOGM Chair Dr Joseph Muscat.

Prime Minster Muscat hosted the event to recognize collective progress and the need for continued global commitment. Leaders acknowledged the significant progress made since 2011, when Commonwealth leaders last discussed polio. India and all of Southeast Asia were certified free from polio in 2014. Earlier this year, Nigeria and Africa passed a year without a case of wild polio. Pakistan and Afghanistan are currently the only countries in the world with endemic polio virus transmission.
Ravindran emphasized the need for continued global focus. “We are playing for stakes that are incredibly high, and our target is microscopically small. Until we find every last poliovirus, and vaccinate every last child, our immunization, surveillance, monitoring, staffing, and infrastructure must be robustly maintained.”
An estimated €1.4 billion is still needed to immunize children in countries which are at risk of polio outbreaks, primarily in Asia and Sub-Saharan Africa. Leaders attending the summit called for continued political and financial commitment. UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon emphasized the need for support to go beyond governments, including all sectors and civil society. He recognized the unique contribution of Rotary volunteers in the global effort.
While in Malta, President and Mrs Ravindran took the opportunity to see the valuable work carried out by the three Rotary Clubs in Malta and Gozo, as well as meeting
Rotarians at a dinner organised in their honour which coincided with the visit of the Rotary District Governor from Sicily, Prof Francesco Milazzo. They also had the opportunity to briefly see some of the sites of historic interest in Valletta and seem to have been particularly struck by the splendour of St John’s co-Cathedral.

The visit of the President to Malta for CHOGM has proven to have been a great success in promoting the cause of continued support for Polio to finish off the job of its eradication that has been a focus of Rotary, its partners and Governments for 30 years.