The 6th UNESCO Cities for Peace Conference will be held in Valletta, Malta from 4
to 6 April 2025 with the theme UNESCO HISTORIC CITIES, Sustainability and
Historic Cities: Challenges and Opportunities.”

Organized by the three Rotary Clubs of the Maltese Islands, RC Malta, RC La
Valette and RC Gozo, the conference will be held in English and Italian with
simultaneous interpretation, in the 16th century university building in Valletta.

These conferences are an initiative of RC Urbino which, in 2013 organized the first
Conference of Rotary Clubs of European cities whose historic center has been
declared a UNESCO heritage site. This was in order to provide answers to the
various issues that membership in UNESCO sites entails. After that first meeting
attended by about 20 clubs representing as many UNESCO cities, other meetings
have been held biennially and on different topics: in 2015 in Istanbul (Turkey), in
2017 in Florence (Italy), in 2019 in Zamosc (Poland) and in 2023 in the three
locations of Siena-Pienza-San Gimignano (Italy).

More information about this 2025 conference is available at the following websites:

In English:
In Italian:

Or you can send an e-mail to:
Robert Ghirlando
Rotary Club of Malta